Blues-Bikes-Cars Concert
On July 20th, 2019, despite a statewide heat advisory and power fluctuation problems the John-Paul Jones Group performed at the 1st Annual Blues-Bikes-Cars Concert in Ottumwa, Iowa. Their brand of Heavy Blues must of brought in the Heavy Weather, but the band played right to the eve of the storm.
The crew worked hard during the storm to pull down the gear and get it out of the storm we were all soaking wet and cold and thanks to a couple good Samaritans we were able to get most of the gear protected.
The cars were great as well here are few pictures of them.

The Vehicle Show was wonderful with 45 entries. 1st -3rd place was given for cars and trucks. We will get the full roster and awards up in the next few days. We wanted to thank Scott Reeves of Reeves Hauling for the donation of the Trophies.
We want to give special thanks to Michael & Brittney Rhodes for managing the car show. Brittney and Jp worked very close together to get things going, and for their first event they got it organized very well. Michael and his crew organized the parking and everything went together well despite it being record hot weather.
The band played great, the new stage show was awesome. Walnut Hill took a bunch of great photos and we will put them up right here below:
We want to give special thanks to Michael & Brittney Rhodes for managing the car show. Brittney and Jp worked very close together to get things going, and for their first event they got it organized very well. Michael and his crew organized the parking and everything went together well despite it being record hot weather.
The band played great, the new stage show was awesome. Walnut Hill took a bunch of great photos and we will put them up right here below:
Jesse Price Holding Down the Low End
Shot fromt he Back of the Stage
The Three Amigos Doing What they Do
Jp all in the moment
John-Paul Jones Group Heavy Blues At Its Finest
Mr. Steven Jones who always keeps the beats going.
Jp stylish as always.
Another great shot of the Amazing Drummer Steven Jones
King of the Mountain Heavy Blues Specialist Jp Jones
Jesse Shakin His Money Maker
Look At Em Go
Where's you get them kicks
Looks like the sky was crying today, could it of been Jp's brothers (RIP) crying tears of joy from above for him and what he was able to put together. We know they are proud of him and his determination as we all are!
The look of serious contemplation.
Original Sound & Look Jp's Always ready to entertain.
The shirt and the pants say it all "Heavy Blues" baby
THIS is the presentation of the John-Paul Jones Group.
You want to hire a professional looking and sounding act for your next event?
Then this photograph shows you what you can get.
Iowa's only Self-Contained professional entertainent company.
Steven Jones is a consumate professional drummer. He knows how to bring the heavy to the blues.
Always the Low-End Master, but man look at those LEGS they make all the money.
The fearless leader of the John-Paul Jones Group 20 years past now and the next 20 years ahead.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this event.
Quincy Place Mall Staff & Management
H&J Entertainment Crew
John-Paul Jones Group Musicians
Michael & Brittney Rhodes Family
All The Car Show Participants
The Spectators without you none of this is possible.

Last but not least, Jp has dedicated his entire effort in memory of Brian Reck, and the way Jp played it was like a man on fire, he made the guitar sing to his brother. We know that Brian was in the skybox alongside, Shawn Jones , John-Paul Sr. and Randy Kapple looking down at him, the sky just could not contain their tears of joy.

Brian Keith Reck, my Brother and friend.
"If I don't see you no more in this world, I will see you in the next one, and don't be late"
You will be missed, but Gunner will be loved - Jp
Great Article by H&J Entertainment, on our past show. Thanks to everyone who braved the heat.