February 2019 Update.

The business practices of the independent artist is very important.  Before the John-Paul Jones Group was even formed.  I wanted to make sure I understood the music business.   Jeri Goldstein's book,  "How To Be Your Own Booking Agent" 1st Edition, was the book of choice.  First edition of the book was the start of knowledge along with every reference Jeri recommended in the book. I have owned every edition including the current 4th edition.

I had the pleasure of being selected by Jeri to work on my business plans for the John-Paul Jones.  This was not a simple one day seminar, or phone call.  It was an intense 12 month relationship from August 2017 to August 2018.   Being a Midwestern Artist, I have learned the ins and outs of how the music industry here works, Jeri however brought a fresh new perspective.  

Several things that Jeri has helped me with in developing the business operations of the John-Paul Jones Group, was the fact that we have assets to offer event coordinators and talent buyers.   I learned how to best present our website.  As I write this blog post I have just improved the website even more.

Although I had goals for the John-Paul Jones Group in its 20 year history... Jeri helped me to focus on what is achievable and reasonable.   Even though her specialty is booking for independent artists.  Her knowledge, intuition, experience and perspective helped me to  really hone in on the markets that we can best benefit in.

The year long one-on-one mentorship would benefit any artist.   But beforewarned, if you want to get the most out of this training, you have to work hard and make progress each month on fine tuning you rmusic business operations.  Jeri helps to keep you from floundering.  She is always helpful via email. This training was worth every dollar, I spent on it.  Check out the programs she has to offer.
http://www.performingbiz.com  if you contact Jeri, let her know the John-Paul Jones Group sent you.

2019 is really shaping up to be a great year for the John-Paul Jones Group.  We are booking a lot of shows and we also have a great website up and running.  Check out our website. at https://www.johnpauljonesgroup.com    Hopefully more of you will subscribe to our newsletter.  We have nearly 4,000 followers on our Facebook Page.   We recently activated a Twtter account for the band so please feel free to follow us on Twitter.  We also started an Instagram Account.  So for any social media let us know as well what you like to use for social media.

Have a great day
John-Paul Jones Group


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