
Showing posts from August, 2020


WITH GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT We have chosen to cancel and/or reschedule all remaining shows for 2020. With one member having to withdraw from playing live due to a pre-existing health condition. And another member suffering from a serious injury this past weekend. It only makes sense to simply stop live performance in 2020. This is a huge disappointment, but the right decision for all involved. 2021 will be a very full season starting in April 2021 The upcoming CD "Broke In Bridge City" is still available for pre-order. And we will be releasing videos from the 2019 season as well. Please support us by pre-ordering the CD at as of today 90% of the 2020 shows have been re-scheduled for 2021.  Please susbscribe to this newsletter to keep up on all of our current news. Click the subscribe button towards the top left. It has been a hard decision to make. But the right one at this time. Thanks for all your support. John-Paul Jones Group

We Need Your Support

Many folks do not know the hard work that goes on behind their favorite band/artists shows, downloads, Cds or videos. Audition complete Welcome David Bruce! Most independent artists have to self-promote and self-finance their own projects.  They are the arbiters of their own vision. And even though your likes on Facebook and your hearts on Instagram are appreciated.  They do not truly support the artists in such a way that they can sustain making their art. There are a great many artists independent that I admire.  Despite not having a record label or wealthy benefactor they still continue to put out music.   Here are a few of our friends: Avey Grouws Band Stars In Toledo The Chickadees All of these groups and many more continue to record and release records despite the disappointing decline of music sales. What artists like the John-Paul Jones Group and the ones mentioned above really need is for you to purchase our music products. CD's and/or Digital downloads are on a decline fo...


The John-Paul Jones Group will be releasing it next album "Broke In Bridge City" later this year.  Right now you can get in on the pre-order at low price that basically covers the shipping costs. That artist will not be doing digital downloads or streaming services as you may or may not know.  Jp only puts samples of his music on the internet.  If you would like the full songs, you have to get them on a physical copy.   The disc can be played in regular CD & DVD Players as well as if you put it in the computer you will be able to upload MP3's directly from the disc as MP3's are also provided on the compact disc. Here is a video with a sample of one of the songs from the album. We will release another sample next month. The John-Paul Jones Group is a small business, and being a small business has felt the economic effects of the COVID-19 situation.   We need your support to continue to produce our concerts and our music. What we really are asking is...