Visitor Last Week at CopperTop Studio Hut

I had the great honor of having one of my long-time friends visit me at the studio. Tony Blew has been a Southeast Iowa Music Fixture since long before I was born. He has always been kind to me since I was a 13 year old kid getting dropped off at Reifsnyder's or Richardson's music. Tony is an Iowa Blues Hall Of Fame Inductee. It was really great to show Tony my studio, his words of praise go a long-way. When someone you have looked up to since longer than you care to remember says things like, "hard work just shows" and "you are a fxxxking genius" that makes you feel great. High praise from a hard worker. Only thing that would of made that a more perfect visit would be if Mr. Don Blew was still with us, Tony's dad Don would talk to me for hours about guitar playing, I listened every chance I got. On a different note we have some great shows coming up! May 18th, 2019 we will be in Fairfield Iowa a...