2018 Year In Review

It has been a busy but great year. 2018 saw us play many great shows. Market On Main was a great place for us to play. Pre-Riverfest Event was a great event as well. Iowa State Fair we had a great time. Being on of the Finalists in the Iowa Blues Challenge was an honor. Jessica Peine Memorial Ride and Benefit. We recorded all of our shows on DVD. November saw the release of our own promotional DVD video. December has been a busy month of planning for next year. Look for us to be back out on the road 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2019. We will be recording live on the road and new material will be released as it is mixed and available. Plans are in the works to have a great season. Jp would like to thank: Heather Dawn - Merchandising S&L Entertainment - Camera Crew Tyler Hernandez - Production Assistant John Jones III - Audio Tech Brian Hearity - Sound Engineer Wes Konrad - Sound Engineer Steven Jones - Drums Sally Henry - Bass Jesse Price - Bas...